Week of April 9th, 2023



Operator Panel


  • In the Operator Panel - Admin - Locations - for accounts from the USA, there was a few states that were missing in the drop down selection, this has been now corrected and properly updated with full list of states.
  • Adjusted settings for Experiences - Pricing and Hours - the Minimum Booking Window (MBW) was set to 15mins minimum, this caused a problem with saving Experience Settings for those where MBW was set to 0. Now accounts can leave MBW at 0 if needed. 




  • Add an option in the Monitor panel that allows an operator to open up Haze Master to launch free-roam on that computer.
  • Streamlined settings to adjust Minimum Booking Window to make it more clear and manageable from one place, within the Experience Settings, by removing the option to edit in the Monitor.


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