*This article is applicable to both operators of VR Arcades and operators of VR labs & maker spaces at educational institutions.*
First you need to make sure that the title you want Steam Keys for has been added to "My Library". Follow the steps below to add the content to your Library and begin requesting Steam Keys.
NOTE: Our new content distribution system, which offers one-click titles, does not require Steam Keys. Keys will only be necessary for titles currently not uploaded to our new distribution system. Soon we will no longer be utilizing Steam Keys and you will be able to directly download the content to your computer.
- Click on the "Content" tab in the Operator Panel then select "Marketplace".
- NOTE: You cannot access the Commercial Licensing Marketplace until you have ended your trial, entered in billing, and have processed your first payment.
- Here you will see a list of titles that SpringboardVR offers a Commercial License for.
- You can search for a specific title, sort the list of licenses, or look through the full list to see what commercial licenses SpringboardVR has.
- Click on the title you want to receive a Commercial License for.
- Select "Activate License" at the bottom of the page.
- This will add the title to My Library and will activate a SpringboardVR license for your stations.
- Accept the EULA for the title.
- NOTE: You have to agree to the End User License Agreement in order to add content to your Library.
- Once you accept the EULA you will be taken to the "My Library" page.
- Click "Edit" next to the newly added title and you will be taken to the Station Management tab.
- On this page there should be a list of your locations as well as the stations in those locations.
- There are a few options for requesting keys. You can request them for an entire location, for a specific experience, or choose a specific station you want a key for.
- There are a few options for requesting keys. You can request them for an entire location, for a specific experience, or choose a specific station you want a key for.
- Click on "Request Steam Key" below the stations you want keys for.
- The key will replace the request button. When you receive your Steam keys you can claim them by going to your Steam account, selecting “+ Add A Game" in the bottom left corner of the screen, then choose "Activate a product on Steam” and follow the instructions to redeem the key.
- Once a Steam Key has been used and the title installed, please first launch the title through Steam itself to accept an EULAs. EULAs may periodically update, if a title does not launch through SpringboardVR we recommend trying to launch it directly through Steam first to see if there is a new one that needs to be accepted or an update.
- If you request Steam keys and no key appears but says “Pending” this means all the available keys have been used and the developer will need to upload more. The developer will be notified and an email will be sent to you with the keys once they are available.
It is important to note that once you click "Activate License" the commercial license will be activated and will begin tracking the time the title is being played across all your stations.
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