What are the best practices for uploading launcher announcements?


*This article is applicable to both operators of VR Arcades and operators of VR labs & maker spaces at educational institutions.*

You have the option to upload Launcher Announcements directly into your Launcher environment for your customers to see. Follow the guidelines below to make sure your announcements look stunning!


  1. In your Operator Panel choose your location and select "Experiences".
  2. Click on the experience you want to upload announcements to.
  3. In the Launcher Settings tab scroll down until you see the Launcher Announcements section.  
  4. There are two sections you can upload images to:
    • The left side of UI in the Launcher.
    • The right side of the UI in the Launcher. 
  5. There are two different size images you can upload. The aspect ratios are:
    • Full Size Announcement: 400px by 800px
    • Half Size Announcement: 400px by 380px
  6. You can have a maximum of 4 images total.
  7. We suggest you keep the copy short and simple. Don't use long paragraphs as they won't read well in the environment. 
  8. Background colors should be solid dark colors, dark gradients, or dark images. Avoid using white or light colored backgrounds as it will be too bring in the launcher. 
  9. Try to use the same layout and composition across all your promotions to retain consistency for your announcements and customers.  
  10. Fonts should be big enough to be easily readable. Try to use the same fonts across your announcements for consistency. 
  11. If you would like to see more information or visual assistance on our suggestions for uploading your Launcher Announcements you can download the PDF here.
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