How do I verify the integrity of SteamVR?


*This article is applicable to both operators of VR Arcades and operators of VR labs & maker spaces at educational institutions.*

If you notice that when clicking the system button on your controllers no overlays appear, it might be because there are unverified files in your SteamVR. Follow these steps to verify the SteamVR files.

  1. Make sure SteamVR & SpringboardVR are closed.
  2. Open up Steam.
  3. Find SteamVR in the Library tab. To do so hover over Library, select Tools, then scroll down to find SteamVR.
  4. Right click on "SteamVR" and select "Properties".
  5. Select the third tab titled "Local Files".
  6. Select "Verify Integrity of Tool Files".
  7. Let the verification process run. If it gives you a message saying some files are not verified, run the process again until all files are verified.
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