*This article is applicable to both operators of VR Arcades and operators of VR labs & maker spaces at educational institutions.*
What is the Launcher Content Home Screen?
The Launcher Content Home Screen is the interface your customers use while in VR.
4 categories to customize your Launcher Content Home Screen.
NOTE: Out of the 4 categories you can toggle on/off, "Trending" and "New Releases" content is ordered by trending and newest. "Difficulties" and "Tags" content is ordered via the Operator Panel.
The trending titles at your location.
The newest titles you’ve added to your location.
Easy, Medium, and Hard categories will be displayed on your home screen. If off, players will still be able to filter by difficulty.
All the tags you have assigned to specific content will be displayed with content segmented by tag on your home screen. If toggled off, players will still be able to filter by tag.
You can adjust which categories show on the launcher from your "Experiences" page. See below for more info.
What is included by default and how will it look?
Default includes all 4 categories toggled ON. Denoted in the image below, this includes:
The player will hit the down arrow to see Medium, Hard, and then the start of "Tags."
Examples of toggling on/off various categories and how it changes the layout.
You can toggle off categories one by one. For example, you can show Trending and Difficulty only, or Tags only, etc. See the images below for specific examples of how toggling certain categories on/off affects the Launcher layout:
Trending and Difficulty ON = The simplest, most used layout. We recommend to play around with the layout toggles as you can mix and match and determine what fits best for your operation.
Toggle ALL OFF = Big list of content ordered via Operator Panel with no category titles. Recommended if you have a smaller selection of content. For example if your Operation only has 8-10 titles.
Only Difficulty ON = Clearly show EASY, MEDIUM, and HARD within single view with content ordered via Operator Panel. Recommended if you want to direct players to certain difficulty categories. For example, if you were to instruct them to "only select content from the top row."
Only Tags ON = Clearly control segment titles with tags and content ordered via Operator Panel. Recommended if you want full control of segmentation and ordering.
Category Toggles
The category toggles are located in "Experiences" within the Operator Panel. This allows you to customize your categories on a location as well as Experience level.
Ordering Your Content
Ordering of Content is done under "My Library" within the Operator Panel. You can drag and drop your titles into the order you desire for them to appear in the Launcher.
Ordering Your Tags
To change the order Tags appear in, simply click "Tags" in your Operator Panel. You can drag and drop your tags to change the order they will appear in within the filter section of the Launcher.
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