Setting Up Your SpringboardVR Online Reservation System


In order to make sure your SpringboardVR Online Reservation System is fully operational you will need to setup a Widget, your Payment Options, and set Prices & Hours of Operation for each of your Experiences. Additionally, you can choose to setup Coupons & Discounts for your customers to use.




  1. The first step is to choose your location and select "Widgets".
  2. Click on the "New Widget" button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
  3. Fill out the Widget Details.
    • Mini Mode removes all text form the widget and only displays a calendar icon.
    • NOTE: You can see a preview of your Widget button to the right of the color pickers.
  4. Make sure to click "Save" when you are finished creating the Widget.
  5. After saving your widget, click "Share" and you will see a window with the Embed Code and Share Link.
    • You can use the Embed Code to embed the Widget into your website. There are instructions in this window on how to do so.
    • There is also a Share Link with a unique URL you can access and use to put the Reservation Link on your Facebook page, Twitter, website, etc.
    • Click here for information on integrating your share link into Facebook.



You need to make sure that you have connected a Square, Stripe, or PayPal account to your Location in order for your customers to pay online when they make a Reservation.


  1. Click on “Admin” in the left panel then select “Locations”.
  2. Scroll down until you see the Payment Options section.
  3. Select either Square, Stripe, or PayPal and log into your account to enable online payments for your location.
    • You can also select the "Enable In Store Payments" option if you would like to give your customers the option of paying when they arrive at your location.
  4. Make sure to click "Save" when you are finished.




  1. If you have not already, navigate to the "Experiences" tab and select your Experience.
  2. Make sure you have set up your Price Points and Available Hours for your Experiences.
  3. Also make sure you have entered in your Cancellation, Refund, and Late Policies.
  4. Finally, navigate to the "Stations" page.
  5. Click "Edit" next to your stations and make sure "Reservations Enabled" is selected, allowing your stations to booked online.



Coupons are codes that your customers enter in when making a reservation to receive a certain amount off their reservations. Discounts are automatically generated based on the customer meeting certain requirements within their reservation (i.e., getting 20% off when reserving 4 or more stations).


  1. Select your location in the left panel then select “Coupons.”
  2. Click on the "New Coupon" button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
  3. Fill out the Coupon Details and make sure to enter in a coupon code.
    • NOTE: This code is what customers will enter while checking out when making a Reservation via the Widget. Codes must be between 3-20 characters and have no symbols or spaces.
  4. Complete the Coupon Timing and Coupon Parameters options. 
    • NOTE: We currently do not support importing lists for single-use Coupons such as Groupon.
  5. Make sure to click "Save" when you are finished creating the coupon. 
  6. Now select "Discounts."
  7. Click on the "New Discount" button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
  8. Fill out the Discount Details and make sure to give it a name.
  9. Complete the Discount Timing and Discount Parameters.
  10. Make sure to click "Save" when you are finished creating the Discount.
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