Week of December 3rd, 2018


Operator Panel


  • Custom Hours of Operation
    • You can now go to your experiences and assign custom hours of operation independent from the normal operating hours. This is a great feature to use if you have extended holiday hours or specific days you want to be closed during the holiday season.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where an error pop-up was appearing when trying to delete and re-create Normal and Custom Hours for Experiences.
  • Fixed a bug that would not allow you to properly close out of the Custom Hours modal.
  • Fixed an issue with time selection in the Custom Hours modal.
  • Combed through the dark corners of the application to improve the experience and design.


Client Reservation


  • A whole new design and coat of paint have been implemented. The booking widget now more accurately reflects your brand colors and matches the 2018 SpringboardVR design. With it comes:
    • Clearer, more scannable instructions so your customers can make bookings quicker. This lowers the drop-off rate of potential customers
    • Easier to click buttons with more feedback.
    • The button to apply a coupon is now more obvious.
    • A more streamlined mobile experience.
    • Custom hours of operation now apply to the booking widget. Showing your potential customer all the correct hours.

Bug Fixes

  • We squashed many bugs in the mobile experience and ironed out the flow when customers are paying with Stripe or Square.
  • Fixed an issue where Custom Hours were not overriding the Normal Hours set for the Experiences.


Station Monitor

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with Custom Start times not working and selecting "Start Now".
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