How do I reassign which Station is assigned to a PC?


*This article is applicable to both operators of VR Arcades and operators of VR labs & maker spaces at educational institutions.*

To change which station is assigned to a particular PC, you'll need to delete the 'Settings Folder' for that SpringboardVR installation.



  1. Make sure SteamVR and SpringboardVR are both closed via the System Tray.
    • NOTE: It is also a good idea to double check they are completely closed by opening up the Task Manager and ending any SpringboardVR or SteamVR tasks.file_explorer_styled.png
  2. Next, open your File Explorer, click into the large navigation bar and type %appdata% into the address bar and hit enter.
  3. In the folder that opens, locate a folder named 'SpringboardVR' and open it.
  4. Delete the 'Settings' folder.
  5. Next time you launch SpringboardVR you will be prompted to sign in and select a new station.
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