What are the Launch Settings options for my content?


*This article is applicable to both operators of VR Arcades and operators of VR labs & maker spaces at educational institutions.*

You can customize how our desktop software will launch manually added content as well as titles not on our one-click system by either specifying a Universal Resource Indicator or a file path.

Launch Methods

A Universal Resource Indicator is for applications like Steam where you can provide a unique URL that will trigger the title to launch. URIs are a browser protocol and not all apps support them, but Steam does. For a Steam title it would look like this: "steam://launch/343730/vr"  where the number is the Steam app ID.

Path-based launch lets you specify the exact file path to the content you wish to launch. This allows you to select the path on your computer to the .exe file you want to launch.

These Launch Methods are only available for manually added content and titles that use Steam keys.


Command Line Arguments

If you wish to use Launch Arguments for a manually added or Steam key title, you will need to have the Path-based option selected in the Launch Settings tab for the title in "My Library". Once Path-based is selected, the option to add in command line arguments will appear.

Titles on our one-click system will also allow you to set Command Line Arguments.

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