How do I add or remove content on my stations from My Library?


*This article is applicable to both operators of VR Arcades and operators of VR labs & maker spaces at educational institutions.*

**These steps are best used if you are adding a new title to your Library and want to assign it to multiple stations at once. If you would like to see how to enable multiple titles to one station, click here.**


  1. Click on "My Library" in the navigation menu, then click “Edit” next to the title you want to assign to you stations.
  2. Each title may have a different process for being assigned to a station depending on which installation option it utilizes.


For SpringboardVR One-Click Titles:

  1. Click on the toggle to enable the content to the desired stations.
    • Enabling the title allows it to be viewed and started from the Launcher menu.
    • This will also download the content to the station after you click "Save" if you have not already installed the title.
  2. If you wish to disable the content from the station turn the toggle off.
    • You will see a pop-up message asking if you want to disable and uninstall the title or just disable it from being seen in the Launcher.
      • If you select "Disable" it will stay installed on your station’s computer but will be removed from the Launcher.
      • If you select "Disable & Uninstall" the content will be removed from the Launcher and will begin uninstalling from your computer. 
  3. Don't forget to click "Save" at the bottom of the page or your changes will be lost.


For Steam Key, Purchase on Steam, & Manually Added Titles:

  1. Use the toggles for the stations you want to assign the title to.
    • Enabling the title allows it to be viewed and started from the Launcher menu.
    • The title will be enabled on your Station after you click "Save". Remember to install the title on your computer. 
  2. If you wish to disable the content from the station turn the toggle off.
    • Because it is not a SpringboardVR title, if you want it uninstalled it from your station’s computer, you will need to uninstall it manually.
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