Desktop Client
- Your users launch content via the station UI found in the Launcher, you optionally launch things remotely via the monitor... Now you can launch anything locally via shortcuts you can find on your stations, too! This allows to locally start any content, the Launcher (any environment), as well as the video reel.
- You can find the shortcuts via the Windows Start Menu. Either just search for the name of the content and look for the SpringboardVR icon next to it, or manually find all of them in the All Apps section, underneath a SpringboardVR directory.
- All shortcuts ensure the background service is started (if it isn't running already) before the selected content is started. As with other existing ways to launch things on the platform, in the case of VR content (i.e. anything besides the video reel) we'll also automatically start SteamVR first and wait for it to be usable to ensure a smooth launch of the VR content afterwards.
- You can find the shortcuts via the Windows Start Menu. Either just search for the name of the content and look for the SpringboardVR icon next to it, or manually find all of them in the All Apps section, underneath a SpringboardVR directory.
Bug Fixes
- We did some internal changes to ensure we can improve the real-time communication connection to your stations in the future: This releases fixes an edge case for those future improvements, that could result a station getting stuck in a loop, trying to connect over and over again.
- When maintenance mode is turned on we'll no longer ensure our overlay is shown when you open up the SteamVR dashboard (via the controller's system button).
Bug Fixes
- When shortcuts were created the content's title was used while asking Windows API to strip invalid filename characters. This isn't sufficient and resulted in attempts to save shortcut files on disk that are still having invalid characters in their filename and thus soft-crashed parts of the desktop client. The new desktop client includes a fix for this issue by stripping characters that aren't alphanumerical, spaces or dashes.
- Reduced the amount of centralized logging one-click title installations do.
Operator Panel
- Added a 'Support' option in the top right user menu dropdown.
- Added a notification of issues with our service that will show up in the Operator Panel.
Client Reservation
- Added a notification of issues with our service that will show up in the Client Reservation.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue on the booking widget where when a user had a 'Pay By Credit Card' option selected, then used a coupon that provided a totally free booking it wouldn't let the user make the reservation.
Station Monitor
- Added a Livechat widget to the Station Monitor for easier access to support.
- Added a notification of issues with our service that will show up in the Station Monitor.
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