Setting Up Your Checkfront Integration


After you've followed our guide on Signing Up for Checkfront you're ready to connect your SpringboardVR account with your Checkfront account!

The settings for Checkfront are managed on a per Location basis inside of SpringboardVR. To update these settings go to your Locations page and edit your Location.

Now login to Checkfront and do the following:

1) Login to your Checkfront accoun

2) Go to Manage > Developer > Webhooks

3) Click on "Add Webhook"

4) In the "Notification URL" field enter the following:

5) for Event Type select Booking Modified

6) for Booking Status select Any Status

7) for Content Type select JSON

8) Click Add

9) Go to Manage -> Developers -> API

10) Click New Application

11) for Application Name enter "SpringboardVR"

12) For Authentication Type pick Token

13) Write down the API Key and the API Secret

Once this is complete go back to SpringboardVR and enter the following information

1) Checkfront Domain  (I.E.

2) Checkfront API Key (From Step 13)

3) Checkfront API Secret (From Step 3)

4)  Checkfront SKUs for each of your Experiences (I.E. Standard Experience in SpringboardVR is SKU STANDARD30, STANDARD15, and STANDARD60 inside Checkfront)

5) Ensure that "Reservations Enabled" is switched on in the Station Settings for each Station


Now your integration is live! Just create a new booking inside of Checkfront and it will appear inside of your SpringboardVR Monitor

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