Commercial Licensing
Understand how Commercial Licensing works on the SpringboardVR platform.
- What are Content Bundles?
- How Commercial Licensing works?
- Can I have a mixture of SpringboardVR licenses and other licenses?
- How do floating licenses work?
- What are the available pricing options for licensing content?
- How do I search for Monthly & Yearly licenses in the Marketplace?
- What happens when there are price changes to a title?
- How do I activate or deactivate a license from the SpringboardVR Marketplace?
- How do I purchase a monthly or yearly commercial license?
- How do I cancel a monthly or yearly commercial license?
- How do I request Steam keys?
- How long does it take to receive a Steam Key?
- Do I need a Steam Key for each station?
- You don't have titles I'm looking for. Can I request them?